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There are two options available in the FEM program to solve the slope stability problem:

  1. Slope stability analysis - This analysis is primarily suitable for calculating the factor of safety of an existing slope or other initial terrain geometry without significant structural elements. For this type of analysis, simply select the analysis type as "Slope Stability" in the frame "Settings".
  2. Stability analysis in a construction stage - This type of analysis is triggered automatically as part of the standard stress analysis (Analysis type "Stress" in the frame "Settings") if the option "Calculate stability from stress analysis results" is selected in the construction stage. This option is checked in the "Analysis" frame.

Im Modus "Böschungsbruch" entspricht die Eingabe und Erstellung des Modells genau dem Modus "Spannungszustand" - nur die Schaltfläche "Berechnung" startet die Berechnung des Stabilitätsgrades der gegebenen Konstruktion. Die einzelnen Böschungsbruchberechnungen in den Bauphasen sind dann völlig unabhängig und haben keinen Bezug zu den vorherigen Phasen und Berechnungen.

Frame "Settings" - Slope stability analysis

Frame "Settings" - Stability analysis in a construction stage

Frame "Analysis" - Stability analysis in a construction stage

Isprobajte GEO5 softver.